Undergraduate Bulletin 2020 - 2021 
    Feb 10, 2025  
Undergraduate Bulletin 2020 - 2021 [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Financial Information

Financial Services Office
3rd Floor, Allison Administration Building

Room and Space Reservation Deposits

When a new student’s application is processed and acceptance is granted, a reservation deposit is due. Students desiring an early decision pay a $300 deposit; new boarding students pay a $200 deposit; and new commuting students pay a $100 deposit. Deposits paid by new students are not refundable after May 1 for fall semester applicants or after November 1 for spring semester applicants.

Reservation deposits will be credited as payment on tuition and fees when the student registers for the semester for which the deposit was made.

Fee Schedule for Day College 2020-2021

Tuition and Fees

  Per Semester Fall and Spring
Tuition and Fees - Full-time $9,945 $19,890
Tuition and Fees - Part-time $650 per credit hour  
Room and Board    
First Year Students (19-Meal Plan) $4,150 $8,300
Second Year+ (15-Meal Plan) $4,018 $8,036
Resource + Technology Fee    
Full-Time $400 $800
Part-Time $200 $400

Private Room Charge:

Rates for private rooms vary according to classification and location.

Deposits are applied toward semester fees.

Cost of music lessons will be an additional charge of $300 per semester for one hour of study per week or $150 for one-half hour of study. Credits for applied music must be considered as part of the normal course load. Special music students (those not taking other college work) should enroll through the Pre-College and Adult Education Programs.

Special fees may apply to selected courses. Off-campus internships in certain courses may require an additional fee. The amounts vary and will be announced before the internships begin.

Full settlement of the charges is required by the due date of the bill to ensure reservation in registered classes.

Credit cards

Columbia College accepts VISA, American Express, Discover, and MasterCard for payment of fees.

Students can pay online at www.columbiasc.edu/epay.

Payment Plans

Students may enroll in the interest-free monthly payment plan offered through Tuition Management Systems, Inc. This 10-month plan starts July 5 and allows students and families to spread all or part of their annual education expenses over the school year in equal monthly payments. Tuition Management Systems, Inc. charges a small annual enrollment fee which also includes life insurance coverage for the unpaid balance. Call Tuition Management Systems (TMS) at 1.800.722.4867 or go to www.afford.com for more information or to enroll. Columbia College may restrict enrollment in this plan based on the student’s payment history.

Special Charges

* Extra hours over 18 per semester (except music ensembles) $650 per hour
Part-time students (limit 11 hours per semester) $650 per hour
Full-time fees apply when registration exceeds 11 hours per semester.
Auditing (no applied courses) $250 per course
Joint enrollment (high school students) $513 per hour
Parking permit $25 per year
Consortium fee $50
Summer Session tuition $250 per hour

* Charges will be assessed unless official withdrawal occurs during the add/drop period.

Tuition for All Other Programs

Evening  Degree Programs

Tuition for full-time (12-18 s.h.): $5,925.00 per semester
Tuition for part-time (11 or fewer s.h.): $395 per semester hour
Resource & Technology Fee: $25 per credit hour

Full settlement of the comprehensive fee is required before a student may begin classes.

Online Programs

Tuition $395 per semester hour

Full settlement of the comprehensive fee is required before a student may begin classes.

Special Charges

Extra Hours* (over 18 per semester) $395 per s.h.
Auditing (except to fill out course load; no applied courses) $250 per course
Parking Permit $25 per year
Consortium fee $50

* Charges for extra hours will be assessed unless official withdrawal occurs during the Drop/Add period.

Credit cards: Columbia College accepts American Express, VISA, and MasterCard for payment of fees. Students may pay online at www.columbiasc.edu/admissions/payment.asp.

Payment Plans: Students may enroll in the interest-free monthly payment plan offered through Tuition Management Systems, Inc. This four-month plan starts in August and allows students and families to spread all or part of their semester education expenses over the school term in equal monthly payments. Tuition Management Systems, Inc. charges a $45 per semester enrollment fee, which also includes life insurance coverage for the unpaid balance. Call Tuition Management Systems (TMS) at 1.800.722.4867 or visit the web site, www.afford.com for more information or to enroll. Columbia College may restrict enrollment in this plan based on the student’s payment history. No other installment payment plan is available.

Refund Policy

Day and Evening Colleges

Refund of any portion of tuition will be made only in the case of official withdrawal from the College through the Office of the Provost. This does not apply to summer terms.

When the Student Has Been Enrolled Percentage of Tuition Refunded
Through the end of add/drop: 100%
Through the next 2 calendar days: 75%
Through the next 7 calendar days: 50%
Through the next 7 calendar days: 25%

Scholarship and grant aid from state or institutional sources are subject to the same withdrawal calculations.

Note that in accordance with federal regulations, students receiving federal financial aid funds are subject to Return of Title IV Policy depending on the date of their official withdrawal petition. Please contact the Office of Tuition Accounts for more information.

Fees are nonrefundable.

Room charges are nonrefundable according to the terms of the housing contract signed by all resident students.

Unused board, prorated by the week, will be refunded only during the first 28 days of the semester. This applies to students who officially withdraw and to students who leave the residence hall but remain as commuting students.


Note that in accordance with federal regulations, students receiving federal financial aid funds are subject to a Return of Title IV Policy depending on the date of their official withdrawal petition. Please contact the Office of Tuition Accounts for more information.

Students cannot receive a refund generated by Columbia College funds. If a student receives gift aid from federal, state, or private sources in excess of what is needed to cover tuition, room, board, fees and books; Columbia College aid will be reduced so that the account balance is zero.

Online Students

Refund of any portion of tuition will be made only in the case of official withdrawal from the College through the Office of the Provost.

When the Student Has Been Enrolled Percentage of Tuition Refunded
Through the end of add/drop: 100%
After the end of add/drop: 0%

Scholarship and grant aid from state or institutional sources are subject to the same withdrawal calculations.

Note that in accordance with federal regulations, students receiving federal financial aid funds are subject to Return of Title IV Policy depending on the date of their official withdrawal petition. Please contact the Office of Tuition Accounts for more information.

Fees are nonrefundable.

Personal Property Insurance

Columbia College is not responsible for damage or loss of personal property brought on campus. Students are advised to obtain adequate insurance coverage for their property.


  1. Students will be charged for the repair or replacement of grounds, buildings or equipment that may be damaged or lost through negligence, carelessness, or willful intent on the part of the student or guests of students. A charge will also be made for vacated rooms left in an untidy condition.
  2. Columbia College is not responsible for damages, losses, repairs, etc. to automobiles, personal belongings or other items brought to the campus by students, guests, employees, or visitors. Students are advised to obtain adequate insurance coverage for their property.
  3. Columbia College is not responsible for, and does not provide insurance coverage for, illnesses or accidents of students, guests, or visitors.
  4. Situations not specifically provided for in these regulations will be provided for in accordance with accepted practices and in keeping with principles which ensure fairness to all concerned. Charges in such instances will be agreed upon by all parties involved prior to registration or immediately upon a change in the student’s status. Otherwise, charges which the College may levy will prevail.

Special Course Offerings

Information and charges on summer school, graduate programs, the Evening College and other offerings will be announced in separate publications.

Study Abroad

Columbia College has consortial arrangements with the University of Salamanca in Salamanca, Spain, and with the Catholic University of the West, the CIDEF, in Angers, France. Students can attend those institutions where instruction is not in English by paying tuition, room and board to Columbia College and registering for classes through the College. Students are responsible for paying for their transportation to the sites and for other incidental expenses.

Columbia College maintains an exchange program with universities in Ireland through the Business Education initiative (BEI), University of Dortmund in Germany, and Sookmyung University in Seoul, Korea. These programs have limited openings so students need to apply to participate through the Global Studies Committee. Students who attend these schools pay tuition to Columbia College. They may pay room and board to Columbia College (and have the college pay the overseas institution up to the amount of CC room and board) or they may make arrangements to pay room and board themselves. Students are responsible for paying their transportation to the sites and for their incidental expenses.

In General, for students interested in participating in other study abroad programs, Columbia College is happy to try and enable these experiences when possible. Federal financial aid and state financial resources can often apply to the expenses of such programs. Columbia College grants and scholarships are NOT applicable to this type of study.